Archives 2024

Implementation of the safety manager refresh training course according to the approved bylaw for Safety Director in Technical and Vocational Training Corporation

Within the framework of the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation’s supports for private training institutes, the first course for Safety Director at the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation was held at the Arab Fire Safety and Security Academy “AFSSAC”


Training course which was hold during the period from 16/02/2020 to 20/02/2020, was completed with success.

Fire safety team R

Arab Fire Safety & Security academy introduces Fire safety team  R program. It is a developmental  firefighting program and is for :

Those interested in fire safety in factories and industrial , commercial and service  companies .

The program objectives:

Developing and improving the skills of fire safety teams within facilities to protect facilities from fire accidents.

Program type : developmental .

Duration : 3 days.

Fire Safety watcher

Arab Fire Safety & Security academy introduces Fire Safety watcher program which an developmental program in firefighting . This program is for :

Everyone seeks  to achieve  fire safety in factories , companies , offices, and schools in the daily work and journeys .

The program aims :

Discovering the reasons of the fire and remove them . Also fight simple fires using hand-held extinguishers.

Program type : developmental .

Duration: 1 day.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Accreditation

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Accreditation

AFSSAC is accredited and recognized training institute by ICAO. And was listed in ICAO training report as

ICAO Training Report Directory Listings



Your Safety Is Our Goal:

Contact: Zeyad Saqr – Email: >

Tel: +966126365915 – Fax: +966126370356

– URL: .

Arab Fire & Safety Academy (AFSSAC) is approved and accredited training academy, located in Saudi Arabia since 1984 and approved by ICAO as recognized training provider. AFSSAC is accredited IFSAC member for both degree and certificate assembly. AFSSAC provides the training of specialized courses in fire-fighting and safety which are accredited in Saudi Arabia by TVTC and internationally accredited from IFSAC. AFSSAC has an excellent facilities for fire-fighting training and safety courses.

To download a copy of the report click:
Click Here

Your Saftey Is Our Goal

Visit of International Civil Defense Organization

On the 7th April 2015 the academy hosted International Civil Defense Organization delegation . The delegation was headed by secretary-general of International Civil Defense Organization , Dr. Vladimir Kuvshinov. And for the part of academy , it was headed by , counselor Rashad Saqr head of the academy delegation . This visit was within strategic twinning and partnership agreement signed between the academy and the ICDO for awareness and culture of poor countries concerning safety and fire-fighting training .

Hand portable fire extinguishers

Arab Fire Safety & Security academy introduces Hand portable fire extinguishers program. That is an advanced firefighting program and designed for :

Personnel that work in safety, fire-fighting and industrial security .

Who works in awareness and stores .

Personnel in industrial facilities, commercial facilities, hotels and banks .

The program objectives :

Developing the skilsl of selecting the hand-held extinguishers according to materials ,correct usage  , checking and maintaining .

Program type : advanced.

Program duration : 10 days .

Workshop about International Building Code (IBC) ( International Code Council ) ICC


The workshop will provide an overview of the United States Building Codes and Standards sys
tem for the design, construction and regulation of buildings and how the ICC’s complete building safety system is
an effective system for protecting the health, safety and welfare of occupants and building resilient communities.
A general overview of several ICC Codes referenced in the International Building Code (IBC) will be presented
as well as discussing the overall IBC fire and life safety concepts and requirements.

About ICC:

The International Code Council (ICC) is a member-focused association. It is dedicated to de
veloping model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. Most U.S. communities and many global markets choose the International Codes. The International Codes, or I-Codes, published by ICC, provide minimum safeguards for people at home, at school and in the workplace. The I-Codes are a complete set of comprehensive, coordinated building safety and fire prevention codes. Building codes benefit public safety and support the industry’s need for one set of codes without regional limitations

Speaker: Eng. Hamid Naderi ,P.E. ,CBO

International Code Council
Senior VP – Business and Product Development
Hamid Naderi, P.E, CBO, is the Senior VP of Business and Product Development with the International Code Council (ICC), where he is responsible for Education and Certification programs as well as managing the development of ICC technical publications and implementing business strategies to strengthen ICC technical programs through partnerships with associations, publishers and other technical entities. In addition, Mr. Naderi develops and presents building code, residential code and existing building code technical seminars internationally, and has served as technical staff secretariat for the drafting of the International Existing Building Code (IEBC), and the proposed provisions for Dangerous Buildings. A graduate of the University of Texas in Civil Engineering, a licensed professional engineer and a Certified Building Official, Mr. Naderi has over 30 years of experience in various areas of construction materials testing, building codes administration, training and publications.

Time & location :
Monday, June 1st, 2015, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Arab Fire Safety and Security Academy
Phase IV, Industrial City, Jeddah
contact us
RSVP to our academy and contact Mr. Ahmed Ismaeel
PO Box : 31537• Jeddah, KSA 21418
Phone : +966126365915 / +966126370448
Fax : +966126370356
Email : –
Website :

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search and rescue training

Search and rescue training course ( Technical rescuer II )

Arab Fire Safety & Security Academy introducessearch and rescue training represented in  Technical rescuer II program which is qualifying search and rescue training program in firefighting.

Who should take this search and rescue training program ?

  • All specialists in rescue field .
  • The first responders respond to incidents need fast interfere within confined area.
  • Personnel  responsible for providing urgent medical services (EMS).

This  search and rescue training  objectives :

Preparing specialized rescue technicians teams according to NFPA1670,1006 and OSHA,29CFR1910.146 Standards .

Interim goals (detailed): The program aims to achieve the following results:

  • Identification and description of the risk of confined spaces.
  • Implementation of procedures for entering confined spaces, according to NFPA 1670, 1006.
  • Determine the appropriate personal protective missions and good use of it.
  • The application of safety procedures when ventilating confined spaces.
  • Safe use of various rescue equipment, manual and automatic.
  • Inspection and maintenance of rescue equipment.
  • Carry out rescue operations in the confined spaces of various kinds and without exposing rescue teams to any injuries.
  • Identify the basic vehicles parts and danger of each part during the accidents.
  • Know the different types of vehicles and determine the potential danger in each type.
  • Identify ways to reach the victims in the stricken vehicle.
  • Identify ways to free, supervise and transport the injured.
  • Increase rapid intervention t skills rescue trapped people inside the vehicles.
  • Implement the safety requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Aministration OSHA, which must be carried out by rescuers during operations.
  • Develop presets plans for rescue operations and identify human and mechanical possibilities for success of rescue operation.
  • The right handling with the person who was rescued and relieved from danger and providing the needed first aid.

* The main axes of the program:

  1. – Confined spaces (definition – types).
  2. The risk of confined spaces.
  3. Entering confined spaces permit.
  4. Control of the atmosphere surrounding the confined place.
  5. Ventilate confined spaces.
  6. Rescue in car accidents of all kinds.
  7. Methods of intervention to rescue trapped individuals.
  8. Individual protective equipment required for rescuers.
  9. Rescue and clearing equipment.
  10. Safe use of manual and automatic rescue tools.
  11. Rescue team Safety rules, according to the specifications of the
    Organization of safety and Occupational Health.

Terms of joining the program:

  1.   Educational level: General secondary Certificate and its equivalent.
  2. Basic Requirements: Obtain the rescue man program level I.
  3. General Requirements: physically fit and healthy.

* Accreditation: –

– Each trainee passes the course, gets a certificate from the Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy locally approved by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and internationally approved by the World Congress of Safety and Fire Services IFSAC.

More Information:

* Duration of the program: a month and a half – five days a week -180 training session (40% theoretical 60% practical).
* Training language: – Arabic in addition to English slang terms.
* Place of training: – Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy in Jeddah.

Program type : qualifying .


Public safety telecommunications

Public safety telecommunications II course

Arab Fire , Safety & Security academy introduces  Public safety telecommunications II program. That is an advanced program in fire-fighting .

Who should take this program ?

Personnel within emergency  communications processes center (fire-fighting , Firstaid and security emergencies) and persons ready to be telecommunicator.

Program objectives:

Preparing modern communication teams according to professional performance requirements for the international code NFPA1221, NFPA1061 and the latest communications technology systems . Recieving and aggregating all information within the emergency communications operations centers.

Program duration : 10 days.

Program type : advanced .

Fire fighting training

Fire fighting training : Extensive Firefighting course

Arab Fire Safety & Security Academy introduces fire fighting training represented in qualifying program in firefighting . This fire fighting training name is Extensive Firefighting .

Who should take this fire fighting training ?

Everyone works in firefighting .

Those who are assigned to fight fires in different work sites .

Personnel in petroleum, commercial, administrative and industrial institutions.

The program objectives:

Preparing professional  firefighting teams, so they can work in the most types of firefighting teams according to international accreditation authority for firefighting services and scientific codes NFPA1001 and NFPA472
Interim goals (detailed) for the program: –
The program aims to achieve the following objectives: –
1.Identify the physical and chemical properties of fire.
2.Identify all materials used in firefighting operations and their properties.
3.Practical training on the use of manual fire extinguishers.
4.Practical training on the use of personal protective missions.
5.Practical training on the use of ladders and ropes.
6.Practical training on how to ventilate the fire place.
7.Training on the use of safety equipment.
8.Recognize the dangers of various building materials.
9.Training on the maintenance of machinery, equipment and fire hoses.
10.Compiling information about the risks of the hazardous material through the use of emergency response guide (ERG).
11.Identifying the physical and chemical properties of hazardous materials.
12.Setting tactics to control hazardous material incidents.
13.Remove the impact of pollutants of hazardous material incidents and clearing the scene and the affected areas.
14.Developing leadership and supervision skills.
15.Practical training on how to fight different liquids and gases fires.
16.Practical training on the use of rescue tools and equipment.
17.Identifying the detection and fire alarm systems.

The main axes of the program:
1.The development stages of fire behavior.
2.Types of buildings and their various elements.
3.Individual protection clothes and respirators.
4.Manual fire extinguishers.
5.Ladders, ropes and knots.
6.Forcible entry and its equipment.
7.Ventilation methods.
8.The initial rescue operations.
9.Fire water sources.
10.Fire Hoses.
11.Detection and fire alarm devices.

Terms of joining the program:
1. Educational level: General secondary (scientific section), Industrial secondary Certificate and its equivalent.
2. Basic Requirements: obtaining a qualifying courses in firefighting.
3. General Requirements: physically fit and healthy.
* Duration of the program: four months – five days a week -480 training session (40% theoretical 60% practical).
* Training language: – Arabic in addition to English slang terms.
* Place of training: – Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy in Jeddah.
* Accreditation: –
– Each trainee passes the course, gets a certificate from the Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy locally approved by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and internationally approved by the World Congress of Safety and Fire Services IFSAC.