Archives February 2024

principles of EMS

Arab Fire, Safety & Security academy introduces principles of EMS program.

Who should take this program?

Those who work in emergency medical services in  different work sites of  different  facilities and all individuals who desire to have knowledge about how to provide EMS for injured persons in any site.

Program objectives:

Acquiring the knowledge of risks that may threaten human body.

Gaining the ability to provide the correct  required help quickly for injured persons .

Preventing injury evolution.

Knowing  the priorities in EMS operations.

Acquiring general medical information.

Duration: 1 week.



Student results year 2014

[table caption=”ASS Fire Science Degree Result” width=”500″ colwidth=”20|400|300|30|100″ colalign=”left|left|center|left|right” style=”font-size:12px;float:left;” ]
No, Name, Course, Ratio, Grade
1, Ibrahim Abd Allah Al-Hamarany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 74, Good
2, Ahmad Esam Yousef Bo-Qary, ASS Fire Science Degree, 70, Good
3, Ayman Saad Gholyfis Al-Hamarany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 70, Good
4, Belal Bandar Al-Hamarany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 72, Good
5, Hazem Owaybed Abdou Al-Gadaany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 70, Good
6, Hamad Ateya Al-Hamarany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 70, Good
7, Khaled Rewiey Mehanna Al-Etieby, ASS Fire Science Degree, 83, Very Good
8, Khaled Mohammed Ahmed Al-Ghamdy, ASS Fire Science Degree, 83, Very Good
9, Salem Thabet Al-Hamarany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 75, Good
10, Saad Gwiber Al-Hamarany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 77, Good
11, Talal Abd Allah Al-Semery, ASS Fire Science Degree, 90, Excellent
12, Abd Allah Salah Al-Gadaany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 90, Excellent
13, Magdy Raheem Al-Hamarany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 80, Very Good
14, Mohsen Aaly Ahmed Shebily, ASS Fire Science Degree, 70, Good
15, Mohammed Aaly Ahmed Shebily, ASS Fire Science Degree, 82, Very Good
16, Mohammed Abdou Al-Gizany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 90, Excellent
17, Mohammed Ateya Al-Hamarany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 76, Good
18, Mohammed Mubarak Al-Gadaany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 80, Very Good
19, Montaser Bakr Othman, ASS Fire Science Degree, 72, Good
20, Nayef Saud Milibary, ASS Fire Science Degree, 82, Very Good
21, Nayef Mohammed Al-Hamarany, ASS Fire Science Degree, 72, Good
22, Hani Mohammed Ali Saify, ASS Fire Science Degree, 76, Good
23, Wahban Yousef Ali Mubarak, ASS Fire Science Degree, 86, Very Good

Construction sites safety

 Arab Fire, Safety & Security Academy introduces Construction sites safety program that is a developmental program . 

Who should take this program ?

Structure engineers and the  project designs officials .

Personnel work in municipality and construction .

Safety and firefighting officials within construction sites .

Technical inspection officials within constructions sites.

The program objectives:

Developing the skills of the personnel in construction sites to secure construction operations according to Saudi Building Code and international OSHA code to avoid accidents and injuries.

Program type : developmental .

Program duration : 5 days.


Visiting The Deputy Governor of the Assistant Governor for training and Quality Policies at the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation, Engineer Abdul Rahman Al-Marwani, at the Institute of the Arab Fire Safety and Security Academy and Higher Industrial Safety for training in Jeddah to see the progress of the training process.

Visiting The Deputy Governor of the Assistant Governor for training and Quality Policies at the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation, Engineer Abdul Rahman Al-Marwani, at the Institute of the Arab Fire Safety and Security Academy and Higher Industrial Safety for training in Jeddah to see the progress of the training process.

Fire suppression system training

Fire suppression system training course by AFSSAC

Automatic Fire suppression systems is a qualifying fire suppression system training program in fire fighting science in order to raise the efficiency of fire fighting specialists and those who want to have fire suppression system training course  and become certified   :

Who should take this fire suppression system training course ?

  1. Everyone desires to specialize in maintenance and installation of various fire extinguishing systems
  2. Personnel in companies and institutions specialized in operation and maintenance of fire extinguishing systems
  3. Supervisors, watchers and inspectors of fire suppression systems .

The program objectives:

Preparing technical staff for installing, maintaining and operating of fire suppression systems according to international standards.

Interim goals (detailed):
At the end of this program, the trainee will be able to: –

  1. Identify the types of fire and the characteristics of each type.
  2. Determine fire agents that suit each type of fires.
  3. Protect the important places in facilities using appropriate fire systems.
  4. Know the different fire systems and their components.
  5. Identify various fire agents and the characteristics of each agent.
  6. Know the advantages and disadvantages of fire agents.
  7. Identify the types of sprinklers networks.
  8. Determine the fire water sources of fire water systems, appropriate quantities and pressures.
  9. Identify automatic fire networks and methods of operating, installing and maintaining.
  10. Learn how the different fire systems operate automatically.
  11. Systems and international standards for installation, inspection, maintenance and testing of fire systems.
  12. Fire systems inspection methods, techniques and equipment.
  13. Inspect periodically the detection, alarm and control networks.

The main axes of the program:

  1.  Types of fires.
  2.  Fire agents.
  3.  Fire methods and characteristics of each fire agent.
  4.  Advantages and disadvantages of fire agents.
  5. Automatic fire systems.
  6. Sprinklers networks.
  7. Fire water sources.
  8. Codes and international standards of fire systems requirements.
  9. Operation methods of automatic fire networks.
  10.  Fire systems Inspection and maintenance.
  11.  Fire systems testing.

* Terms of joining the program:

  1.  Educational level: General secondary (scientific section), secondary industrial and its equivalent.
  2. Basic requirements: Obtaining one of the qualifying courses in firefighting.
  3. General Requirements: physically fit and healthy .

* Accreditation: –

– Each trainee passes the course gets a certificate from the Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy locally approved by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and internationally approved by the World Congress of Safety and Fire Services IFSAC.

More Information :

* Duration of the program: four months – five days a week -480 training sessions (40% theoretical 60% practical).
* Training language: – Arabic in addition to English slang terms.
* Place of training: – Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy in Jeddah.

Duration : 16 weeks

Program Type : qualifying program .



Security man duties

Arab Fire, Safety & Security Academy introduces security man duties program that is a qualifying program .

Who should take this program ?

Junior security officers who want to be professional .

The program objectives:

Enhancing security officer’s knowledge using security equipment and security services .

Practicing basic security officer duties.

Developing security officer’s skills of dealing with emergency situations .

 Program type : qualifying .

Program duration : 10 weeks .



Professional security investigator

Arab Fire Safety & Security academy introduces professional security investigator which is a qualifying program in security .

Who should take this program ?

Personnel in the various facilities who are assigned to private and public technical investigations and security  managers of these companies, institutions ,government entities and private organizations.

The program objectives:

Realizing the importance of investigation, search ways and techniques .

The ability to determine investigator targets.

Recognizing the investigator’s most important attributes,  required skills and assistants .

Recognizing how to  investigate fire , plane and traffic incidents .

Training on how to investigate issues of organized crimes .

Program type: qualifying .

Program duration: 24 weeks .

safety training courses

Safety training courses from AFSSAC : Extensive Safety course

Arab Fire Safety & Security academy offers one of safety training courses represented in  extensive safety training courses which is one of  qualifying safety training courses of  AFSSAC .

Who should take this safety training ?

Safety engineers and foremen. Also supervisors who supervise safety works in big companies , factories and ministries .

Extensive safety program objectives:

Qualifying national safety cadres  that are able to secure the personnel and work environment from risks and damages according to international organization OSHA
Interim goals (detailed) for the program: –
The program aims to achieve the following objectives: –
– Preparing cadres in the high level of safety.
– Acquiring the sensitivity of the search for knowledge, assemble and classify it.
– How to implement training programs in various fields of safety in all levels and in various activities.
– Ability to characterize surrounding risks and damages and in the workplace.
– Identifying how to characterize practically to solve safety problems.
– Gain the ability to lead discussions and transmit the spirit of competition between the working groups.
– Ability to recognize work risks (physical, chemical, mechanical engineering and radioactive materials) that may be incurred in the work environment and protection requirements of each of these risks.
– Ability to identify and assess the risks of workplace in accordance with international standards and standards of the International Labor Organization.
– Identifying the causes of accidents in the work environment.
– Ability to investigation and analysis accidents at work.
– Developing the knowledge of the most important principles of first aid.
– Ability to issue work permits each according to existing risk after showing what the potential risks are.
– Gain the ability to program and deploy preventive awareness.
– Developing the knowledge of how to use the latest methods, systems and devices used in the evaluation and measurement of safety operations.
– Identifying the importance of natural and artificial ventilation of the work environment and workers.
– Proper use of tools and equipment for individual protection.
– Shed light on the ways and objectives of storage.
– Identifying the scientific basis for collecting, discharging and treatment of industrial waste.
– Identifying the principles of occupational safety and health of the employees and how to apply them.
– Identifying the most important principles of first aid.
– The ability to provide first aid to the injured in the work environment.
– Acquiring the ability to create enthusiasm and loyalty to the safety work among others.
– Identifying the safety precautions of pesticides.
– Studying of industrial psychology and its impact on production rates.
– Shed light on the psychological factors and their impact for work injuries.
– Gain the ability to develop prevention and protection plans from analyzing and measuring safety.
The main axes of the program:
– Basic definitions.
– The beginning of the safety and its fields.
– Risk (natural – Engineering – Mechanical – Electrical – physical)
– Safety requirements in buildings.
– Hazards of chemicals.
– Accidents (definition – causes – accident investigation).
– Work Permits.
– Ventilation and its types.
– Tools and equipment for individual protection.
– Storage.
– Tidying and cleaning of the premises and work tools.
– Collecting and disposing of waste.
– Occupational Health.
– Industrial Psychology.
– Methods of accidents prevention in industrial facilities.
– The basic principles of first aid.
– Measuring and evaluating safety.
– Terms of joining the program:
1. Educational level: General secondary Certificate and its equivalent.
2. Basic Requirements: No basic requirements.
3. General Requirements: physically fit and healthy.
* Duration of the program: three months – five days a week -360 training session (50% theoretical 50% practical).

* Training language: – Arabic with the use of scientific terms in English.
* Place of training: – Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy in Jeddah.
* Accreditation: –
– Each trainee passes the course, gets a certificate from the Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy locally approved by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and internationally approved by the World Congress of Safety and Fire Services IFSAC.
– Accreditation validity of three years.

Fire protection coordinator R

Arab Fire Safety & Security academy introduces Fire protection coordinator R program . Which is an advanced program in firefighting and it is for :

Fire safety coordinator in industrial, service, commercial and residential public facilities.

The program objectives :

Developing and improving fire protection coordinator to follow and monitor fire protection requirements and continuous coordination with civil defense for continuity of fire safety.

Program  type : advanced.

Program  duration : 5 days .