Archives March 2024

Hazardous materials

Hazardous materials /operations level course

Arab Fire, Safety & Security academy introduces Hazardous materials/operations level program that is an advanced program in firefighting .

Who should take this program ?

Personnel of safety teams and fire-fighting teams whose work requires interfere in hazardous materials incidents .

Heads and supervisors of fire-fighting teams who work within chemical companies , petroleum, petrochemical and oil refiners .

The program objectives :

Acquiring special skills to confront hazardous materials incidents, controlling them and clean incidents  remains .

Interim objectives (detailed):
1-Identifying the international health requirements and safety measures for workers in the field of countering hazardous material incidents.
2-Identifying physical and chemical properties of hazardous materials.
3-Identify and finding out hazardous materials through international signs and symbols for hazardous materials.
4-Identifying risks associated with hazardous material incidents.
5-Specifying the appropriate personal protective equipment for the kind of hazardous materials accident.
6-Command and control hazardous material incidents and safety of workers in facing the incident.
7-Making tactical methods to control hazardous material incidents.
8-Implementing strategic plans for all hazardous materials incidents categories from first to the ninth class.
9-Removing the impact of pollutants of hazardous material incidents, clearing the accident place and the affected areas.
The main axes of the program:
• Overview of hazardous materials.
• Methods of detecting the leak of hazardous materials.
• The risks associated with hazardous material incidents.
• Appropriate personal protective equipment for responding to hazardous material incidents.
• Command and control.
• Priorities of the tactics and strategies to control the incident.
• The incident control strategies.
• Examples of hazardous materials.
• Removing hazardous materials pollution in the incident place and the affected places.
Terms of joining the program:
1. Educational level: General secondary Certificate and its equivalent.
2. Basic Requirements: Access to hazardous materials (awareness) program.
3. General Requirements: physically fit and healthy.
* Duration of the program: two weeks (10 days) – Five days a week – 60 training session (40% theoretical 60% practical).
* Training language: –Arabic in addition to English slang terms.
* Place of training: – Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy in Jeddah.
* Accreditation: –
– Each trainee passes the course, gets a certificate from the Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy, locally approved by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and internationally approved by the World Congress of Safety and Fire Services IFSAC.

Program type : advanced .

Program duration : 10 days .

lab safety

Chemical lab safety requirements course

Arab Fire, Safety & Security academy introduces Chemical lab safety requirements program that is a developmental program .

Who should take this program ?

Personnel who work in chemical laboratories .Also handles and uses chemistry in industry .

Personnel work in chemical and analysis laboratories in hospitals and centers of research .

The program objectives:

Developing the skills of dealing with chemicals within different  laboratories without damages.

Program duration : 5 days .

Program type : developmental.


Fire Instructor

Fire Instructor II ***** program

Arab Fire Safety & Security academy introduces Fire Instructor II ***** program. That is an advanced program in fire-fighting .

Who should take this program ?

Training centers managers and training programs designers in the fields of  fire-fighting , safety and environment protection.

Instructors working in training of fire-fighting, safety and environment protection programs .

The program objective :

Preparing specialized instructors in the traineeship of fire-fighting and fire control using the latest fire-fighting technology  .

Program type : advanced.

Program duration: 10 days .

Now you can buy any of our translated books from one link

AFSSAC books are translated IFSTA publications which are considered one of the main references for all who works in the field of firefighting, rescue, fire protection and related fields. So far, four basic and varied books have been issued in their topics as follows: –

1- Essentials of Firefighting and Fire Department Operations, 6th Edition in Arabic, is the most engaging and advanced text available for Firefighter I and II training.


  • For more information about the Essentials of Firefighting and Fire Department Operations, 6th Edition in Arabic, click here
  • To buy Essentials of Firefighting and Fire Department Operations, 6th Edition in Arabic, click here


2- Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition in Arabic


  • For more information about Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition in Arabic, click here
  • To buy Pumping and Aerial Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 3rd Edition in Arabic, click here


3- Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement handbook, 8th Edition in Arabic


  • For more information about Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement handbook, 8th Edition in Arabic, click here
  • To buy Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement handbook, 8th Edition in Arabic, click here


4- Hazardous Materials for First Responders handbook, 5th Edition in Arabic


  • For more information about Hazardous Materials for First Responders handbook, 5th Edition in Arabic, click here
  • To buy Hazardous Materials for First Responders handbook, 5th Edition in Arabic, click here





Fire Instructor I**** program

Arab Fire Safety & Security academy introduces Fire Instructor I**** program that is a developmental firefighting program .

Who should take this program ?

Evereyone works as a firefighting , safety and environment protection trainer.

The program objectives:

Qualifying national cadres specialized in training of safety and frirefighting according to international standard NFPA1041 .

Program type : developmental.

Program duration : 10 days

Know your result online

Know you can find your result online through Arab fire, safety and security academy .To Know your result just follow these steps :
First, enter the identification number
Second, click on the search button so you can see the result for identification number that you entered before
Third , the result will appear so you can see it very easily
Note : the rest button is used for clear wrong or previous information
With best wishes that you are always succeed.

Read More

occupational safety and health course

occupational safety and health course by AFSSAC

Arab Fire Safety & Security academy offers occupational safety and health course that is a qualifying program.

Who should take this occupational safety and health course ?

  1. Persons working in safety, occupational health and environment health.
  2. Persons inspecting and observing safety and occupational health requirements in the different work places.

Occupational Safety and health program objectives:

Qualifying national cadres that at high level in inspecting safety, occupational health and environmental  requirements.

Interim goals (detailed):
At the end of this program, the trainee will be able to: –

  1. Identify the different concepts and systems of occupational safety and health.
  2. Know the origin of occupational safety and health in the old ages and in the industrial age.
  3. Understand the chemical and physical composition of the human body and its relationship with environmental effects.
  4. Implement methods of the elimination of psychological and muscular stress of the workers.
  5. Identify the risks and damages of the work environment and their impact on work elements and production, the most important human element.
  6. Recognize the technical and personal reasons for accidents and work-related injuries.
  7. Analyze the causes of accidents and their consequences.
  8. Identify the causes of occupational diseases and how to protect people from these diseases.
  9. Identify occupational diseases resulting from handling chemicals (gases – dust – metals) and methods of protection.
  10. Identify occupational diseases caused by physical factors (heat – noise – and poor lighting).
  11. Implement methods and means of good ventilation of the workplace.
  12. Assess the requirements of occupational safety and health, according to the latest global systems.

The main axes of the program:

  1.  The importance of occupational and environmental health and safety.
  2.  Emergence of occupational safety and health.
  3. Psychological and muscular stress of workers and elimination methods.
  4. Risks and damages of the work environment.
  5. The causes of occupational diseases.
  6. Prevention methods of occupational diseases and the dangers of work.
  7. Good ventilation of the workplace.
  8. The requirements of the occupational safety and health.

* Terms joining the program:

  1.  Educational level: General secondary Certificate and its equivalent.
  2. Basic requirements: No basic requirements.
  3. General Requirements: physically fit and healthy.

* Accreditation: –

– Each trainee passes the course gets a certificate from the Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy locally approved by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and internationally approved by the World Congress of Safety and Fire Services IFSAC.
– Accreditation validity of three years.

More Information :

* Duration of the program: a month and a half (six weeks) – five days a week -180 training sessions (50% theoretical 50% practical).
* Training language: – Arabic in addition to English slang terms.
* Place of training: – Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy in Jeddah.

Program duration : 6 weeks.

Program type: qualifying.


Fire Alarm

Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

Arab  Fire Safety  & Security  introduces  a  Developmental   Course in “   identifying Fire Alarm and Signaling Code  according  to  (NFPA72 )  “ .  
This Course  is intended  to  
Technicians  who work  in  the fire – alarm  &  safety –  system
Workers  of  inspection  and maintenance of fire alarm systems
Supervisors of the installation and maintenance of fire alarm systems
This training  course aims  to  build skills  to deal  with fire alarm system  and  to control fire .
Duration  :  10  days

hazardous materials awareness training course

Hazardous materials awareness training course by afssac

Arab Fire , Safety & Security academy offers hazardous materials awareness training course. This hazardous materials awareness training course is a developmental program in fire-fighting .

Who should take this hazardous materials awareness training course ?

  1. Personnel working in safety, fire-fighting and responding to hazardous materials incidents.
  2. Everyone deals with hazardous materials in the manufacture process , operation , storing , moving , circulation.
  3. Also in production lines, warehouses and stores of hazardous materials within the industrial and petroleum facilities .

Program objectives :

Providing the first responder to hazardous incidents with required information and skills to be able to accomplish his tasks in dealing with incidents of hazardous materials .

Interim goals (detailed):
At the end of this program, the trainee will be able to: –

  1. Identify the physical and chemical properties of hazardous materials.
  2. Safe handling (transportation, storage, use and handling) of hazardous materials.
  3. Distinguish hazardous materials through international labels.
  4. Specify the degree of seriousness of (ignition – public health – toxic – oxidation) of hazardous materials.
  5. Apply procedures that must be followed when exposing to hazardous materials.
  6. Implement methods and ways to prevent the risk of hazardous materials.
  7.  Clarify the tasks of first responder of hazardous material incidents to perform the tasks safely.
  8. Realize the presence of hazardous materials in case of emergency.
  9. Survey the scene from a safe site to see the name and the international number of hazardous material in the incident by signs and posters.
  10. Compile information about the risks of the hazardous material through the use of emergency response guide (ERG).
  11. Start preventive procedures contained in the emergency response guide.
  12. Start to notify about the incident.


The main axes of the program:


  1. 1- Definition of hazmat .
  2. Properties of hazmat .
    1. First: health risks.
    2. Second: The characteristics that determine the risk of fire.
    3. Third: The characteristics that define interactive risk.
  3. Classification of dangerous substances: –
    1. First: (704) system issued by the NFPA.
    2. Second, the United Nations system UN.
    3. Third, the system prepared by the DOT in the United States.
  4. Identification of Hazardous Materials: –
    1. Unofficial formalism methods to identify hazardous materials.
    2. Official methods to identify hazardous materials.
    3. Identification of hazardous materials in fixed places.
    4. Identify containers in factories and their types.
    5. Identification of hazardous materials in transportation accidents.
    6. Reporting for hazardous materials.
    7. Identification of hazardous materials by transportation containers.
    8. Recognize the signs of hazardous materials.
    9. Detection of hazardous materials.

* Terms joining the program:

  1. Educational level: General secondary Certificate (scientific section) and its equivalent.
  2. Basic requirements: No basic requirements.
  3. General Requirements: physically fit and healthy.

* Accreditation: –

– Each trainee passes the course, gets a certificate from the Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy, locally approved by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and internationally approved by the World Congress of Safety and Fire Services IFSAC.


More Information :-

* Duration of the program: two weeks (10 days) – five days a week -60 training sessions (40% theoretical 60% practical).

* Training language: – Arabic in addition to English slang terms.
* Place of training: – Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy in Jeddah.

Program type : developmental program .

fire investigator training course

Fire investigator training course offered by Arab Academy

AFSSAC offers fire investigator training course represented in Fire investigator program that is a qaulifying program in fire science.

Who should take this fire investigator training course ?

Those who work in the field of investigation in fire, safety and industrial security department.

The program objectives :

Qualifying national cadres specialized in the technical investigation of the fire incidents in general.

Interim goals (detailed):
At the end of this program, the trainee will be able to: –

    1. first of all, Identify the importance of the technical investigation in the fire accidents.
    2. The ability to identify qualities of fire investigator.
    3. Having the ability to identify the information and studies required by the investigator.
    4. Realizing the key factors for the ignition.
    5. Identify combustion properties of different materials.
    6. Understanding heat sources and methods of transmission.
    7. Knowing the main causes of fires and identify the causes of arson.
    8. Identify procedures and methods of gathering information.
    9. Identify the importance of physical evidence in the technical investigation.
    10. Observe and inspect the place of the accident.
    11. Raise the skills to cross-examine witnesses and workers in the accident site.
    12. Study the pattern or types of the combustion model.
    13. Identify the technical tools needed for an investigator to conduct the examination, inspection and collect samples from the scene.
    14. Know the reasons and the risk of platforms shipping fire and means of insurance.
    15. Finally, increase skills in writing records and technical reports.


The main axes of the program:

  1.  First of all, fire chemistry.
  2. Information and studies required by the investigator.
  3. The main causes of fires.
  4. Gathering information.
  5. Methods used to determine the start of the ignition and directions of the
    fire spread.
  6. Chemical and physical analysis of the fire remains.
  7. General rules for the success of the investigation.
  8. Finally, writing reports.

* Terms joining the program:

  1.  Educational level: General secondary Certificate and its equivalent.
  2. Basic requirements: Obtaining hazardous materials – awareness.
  3.  General Requirements: physically fit and healthy.

* Accreditation: –

–  Each trainee passes the course gets a certificate from the Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy locally approved by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and internationally approved by the World Congress of Safety and Fire Services IFSAC.

More information :-

* Training language: – Arabic in addition to English slang terms.
* Place of training: – Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy in Jeddah.

* Duration of the program: a month and a half – five days a week -180 training sessions (40% theoretical 60% practical).

Duration: 6 weeks.