Outline in principles of security course

Arab Fire, Safety & Security academy introduce to  you Outline in principles of security course . The Outline in principles of security course is an advanced course in security . This course is intended for :

All novices working in the field of security.

The course aims :

Realize the importance of the appearance of the  security man .

Recognize initial idea about the authorities of the security man .

Trainee’s  realization  of the importance of basic skills for the security man.

Identify some of the work of the Security man.

Identify the duties of The security man in cases of emergency .

Course type : advanced .

Course duration : 2 week.


Documents and information security course

Arab Fire, Safety & Security academy introduce to you Documents and information security course . The Documents and information security course is an essential course in security .This course is intended for :

All personnel in security departments in important and vital facilities  and as well as all personnel in military facilities and strategic .

The course aims :

Know the best method of dealing with documents and libraries .

Know ways and modern methods used in keeping  documents and information .

Knowledge of Disclose  forgery and counterfeiting, and the difference between them .

Information and electronic documents security .

Concept and goal rumors .

The course type : essential .

The course  duration  : 6 week.

Arab academy

concept of social responsibility and community awareness

As an interest of Arab fire, safety and Security Academy based on the concept of social responsibility and community awareness for the establishment and consolidation of the concept of fire safety and risk awareness and life safety.

The academy arranged for “in campus” trips for high schools students, to visit the academy where awareness lectures are given on topics like:

–         Fire protection and life safety.

–         Safety awareness in home/school.

–         Training on Fire Extinguishers.

–         Introduction of main causes of accidents in home/school.

–         Introducing different engines, types and their functions.

And that all include a field tour to the facilities and training grounds.


Visits Photo Gallary


Banking security methods course

Arab Fire , Safety & Security academy introduce to you Banking security methods course . The Banking security methods course is a security essential course and this course is intended for :

Department heads and supervisors on security in financial facilities ,administrative and commercial .

The course aims :

About the origins and evolution of the banking administrative security.

Make security surveys and risk discovery.

Study the methods and organizational security efforts .

Reach to how to develop and follow-up security plans.

How to deal with the modern security devices .

Course type : essential .

Course duration : 5 week .




comprehensive security for hospitals/ hotels course

Arab Fire, Safety & Security academy introduce to you comprehensive security for hospitals/ hotels course . The comprehensive security for hospitals/ hotels course is an essential course in security . This course is intended for :

The Heads and supervisors of security in health facilities and hospitals .

The course aims :

1-identify the origins and evolution of administrative security in health facilities .

2. do the security field survey  and risk discovery.

3-studying the  methods and organizational security efforts.

4. reach to how to develop and follow-up security plans .

5. How to deal with and react with  modern security services.

Course type : essential .

Course duration : 4 week .

First regional forum of training mangers and civil defense and civil protection academy managers

The Arab Fire Safety and Security Academy participate in the first regional forum of training managers , civil defense academies managers and civil protection.

The president of academy , the counselor / Rashad Saqr participated in

the first regional forum of training managers , civil defense academies managers

and civil protection .A representative of Arab Fire Safety and Security Academy during

the period 23 November 2014 – 26 November 2014

11souvenir photo to the representative of the academy the counselor:Rashad Saqr

with the general manager of  Jordanian civil defense

Lt Gen / Talal Al Kofahi


The representative of the academy the counselor /Rashad Saqr

receives the official shield of Jordanian civil defense


The president of the academy, the general manager of Jordanian civil defense,

and the counselor of civil protection and civil defense in council of Arab Interior Ministers.


The president of the academy, the general secretary  of  council of Arab Interior Ministers.


The manager of academy submit the academy worksheet that title was

the professional standards of safety , firefighting ,rescue and protection.

scientific bases for hospitals/hotels security course

Arab Fire, Safety & Security Academy introduce to you scientific bases for hospitals/hotels security course . This course is an essential course and this course is intended for :

To all those working in the field of security in health facilities .

The course aims :

1- recognize the importance of security in health facilities

2- realize the role of the security management and security men in their workplaces.

3highlight the importance of appearance, style and behavior in dealing with others.

4- acquire the skills and know the duties and methods of the security man in health facilities

Course type : essential .

Course duration : 4 week.





fire fighting training

Fire risks and fire fighting training program by AFSSAC

Arab Fire Safety & Security academy offers Fire risks and fire fighting training program . That is an developmental program in firefighting .

Who should take this Fire risks and fire fighting training program ?

  1. Beginners firefighters  .
  2. Personnel of the different professional and functional level in the different work site within the commercial , industrial, service and administrative facilities.

The program objectives:

  1. Developing the skills of fire-fighting using modern scientific techniques .

Interim goals (detailed) for the program: –
At the end of a cycle of this program, the trainee will be able to: –

  1. Identify the ignition elements.
  2. Identify various types of fires and the characteristics of each type.
  3. Identify fire causes and how to avoid.
  4. Identify the fire detection and alarm systems and how they work (automatic – manual).
  5. Know the general basic principles of firefighting.
  6. Identify fire extinguishing agents and the impact of each of them in firefighting operations.
  7. Choose the best fire extinguishing agent appropriate to the burning material.
  8. Identify the types of fire hoses.
  9. Know the different methods of rolling, stretching and carrying fire hoses.
  10. Recognize all kinds of equipment used with fire hoses and their uses.
  11. Identify the contents of fire hoses cabinets.
  12. Firefighting using fire hoses.
  13. Identify manual fire extinguishers and distinguish between the different types and sizes.
  14. Firefighting using manual fire extinguishers.
  15. Know the procedures to be taken in case of fire accident.
  16. Know the procedures to be observed during emergencies and your role in the emergency plan.

The main axes of the program:

  1. Ignition elements.
  2. Types of fires, the characteristics and symbols of each type.
  3. Fire causes and how to prevent them.
  4. Fire detection and alarm systems (automatic – manual).
  5. Fire extinguishing agents and the impact of each of them in firefighting
  6. Firefighting equipment (fire hoses and their equipment – manual fire
  7. Procedures after the fire.
  8. Your role in the emergencies.

Terms of joining the program:

  1. Educational level: General secondary Certificate and its equivalent.
  2. Basic Requirements: obtaining one of the qualifying courses in firefighting.
  3. General Requirements: physically fit and healthy.

* Accreditation: –

– Each trainee passes the course, gets a certificate from the Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy locally approved by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and internationally approved by the World Congress of Safety and Fire Services IFSAC.

More Information :

* Duration of the program: two weeks – five days a week – 60 training session (40% theoretical 60% practical).
* Training language: – Arabic in addition to English slang terms.
* Place of training: – Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy in Jeddah.

The program duration : 10 days.

Program type : advanced .