Basic security principles from the drugs and its effect course

Arab Fire, Safety academy introduce to you Basic security principles from the drugs and its effect course . The Basic security principles from the drugs and its effect course is an advanced course and this is intended for :

All employees in the security service in any facility on its different economic activity.

The course aims :

Definition of drugs and general terms.

Alcoholic beverages and its religious legitimacy and legal.

How to discover the addicted person .

The devastating effects of narcotic drugs (Organic – social – security – economic –  religious).

In addition to anti-addiction, awareness from it and prevention of it .

Course Type : Advanced .

Course duration : 2 week.




Field security Survey course

Arab Fire, Safety academy introduce to you Field security survey course . The Field security Survey course is an advanced course and this is intended for :

Security supervisor and the heads of periodicals and responsible for research works and analysis and conduct security surveys and research the prevention  methods .

The course  aims :

Realize  the factors that affect the security of the facilities.

Study how to analyze risk and identify the methods to address them.

Training on  conducting field security survey .

Course Type : advanced .

Course duration : 2 week.




Security awareness course

Arab Fire, Safety academy introduce to you Security awareness course . The Security awareness course is an advanced course and this is intended for :

All employees in security departments in the different facilities and personnel in  the public relations sectors in the security interests and bodies.

The course aims :

Persuasion and conviction the importance of directed security awareness crackdowns .

Known the means and methods of awareness  and choose the proper her.

Gain the ability on set prevention awareness plans and implementation of it .

Course type  : Advanced

Course duration : 2 week.


Security and public relations course

Arab Fire, Safety & Security academy introduce to you Security and public relations course . This course is advanced course in security and this course is intended for :

All employees in public relations sector in the various security departments in the facilities of all kinds.

The course aims :

Hiring of humanitarian and public relations in coordinating with all departments .

The realizing of  the role of security management and their contribution to improving business performance .

know the humans  trends and their patterns .

Employ the methods and connection events.

Instill the spirit of changing and innovation in the hearts of personnel in the field of security .

The course type : Advanced

Course duration : 2 week.



Security control course

Arab Fire, Safety & Security academy introduce to you Security control course . This course advanced course in security and this course is intended for :

All security men within facilities  equipped with modern electronic security systems.

The course aims :

Training on how to deal with different security systems.

Develop the skills of using  electronic security systems .

Training on how to conduct the operations of preventive maintenance for electronic security systems and daily processing .

Course type : Advanced .

Course duration : 2 week.



Advanced industrial security course

Arab Fire, Safety & Security academy introduce to Advanced industrial security course . The Advanced industrial security course is an advanced course and this course is intended for :

All personnel in the industrial security field in facilities.

The course aims :

Gain the ability to understand the engineering methods and organizational and working out.

Training on the latest security  hardware and equipment .

Define the responsibilities and  works of industrial security in protecting  the facility.

Course type :  advanced .

Course duration : 1 week .


Outline in principles of security course

Arab Fire, Safety & Security academy introduce to  you Outline in principles of security course . The Outline in principles of security course is an advanced course in security . This course is intended for :

All novices working in the field of security.

The course aims :

Realize the importance of the appearance of the  security man .

Recognize initial idea about the authorities of the security man .

Trainee’s  realization  of the importance of basic skills for the security man.

Identify some of the work of the Security man.

Identify the duties of The security man in cases of emergency .

Course type : advanced .

Course duration : 2 week.


Documents and information security course

Arab Fire, Safety & Security academy introduce to you Documents and information security course . The Documents and information security course is an essential course in security .This course is intended for :

All personnel in security departments in important and vital facilities  and as well as all personnel in military facilities and strategic .

The course aims :

Know the best method of dealing with documents and libraries .

Know ways and modern methods used in keeping  documents and information .

Knowledge of Disclose  forgery and counterfeiting, and the difference between them .

Information and electronic documents security .

Concept and goal rumors .

The course type : essential .

The course  duration  : 6 week.

Banking security methods course

Arab Fire , Safety & Security academy introduce to you Banking security methods course . The Banking security methods course is a security essential course and this course is intended for :

Department heads and supervisors on security in financial facilities ,administrative and commercial .

The course aims :

About the origins and evolution of the banking administrative security.

Make security surveys and risk discovery.

Study the methods and organizational security efforts .

Reach to how to develop and follow-up security plans.

How to deal with the modern security devices .

Course type : essential .

Course duration : 5 week .




comprehensive security for hospitals/ hotels course

Arab Fire, Safety & Security academy introduce to you comprehensive security for hospitals/ hotels course . The comprehensive security for hospitals/ hotels course is an essential course in security . This course is intended for :

The Heads and supervisors of security in health facilities and hospitals .

The course aims :

1-identify the origins and evolution of administrative security in health facilities .

2. do the security field survey  and risk discovery.

3-studying the  methods and organizational security efforts.

4. reach to how to develop and follow-up security plans .

5. How to deal with and react with  modern security services.

Course type : essential .

Course duration : 4 week .