Archives December 2015

Buildings safety requirements

Buildings safety requirements course by Arab Academy

Arab academy offers Buildings safety requirements (life safety) program that is a developmental program .

Who should take Buildings safety requirements program ?

Structure engineers and  project design officials .
Personnel who work in municipality and construction.
Safety and firefighting officials .
Technical inspection officials within facilities .

Program objectives:

Developing and increasing the skills of applying safety requirments within buildings to protect them.

Interim goals (detailed):
At the end of a cycle of this program, the trainee will be able to: –

  1. Identify the risks that threaten the buildings safety and their occupants.
  2. Identify causes of the technical and engineering risks that threaten buildings.
  3. Apply methods of risks prevention in buildings.
  4. Protect buildings from fire and reduce the spread of fire inside the building and neighboring buildings.
  5. Identify the basis of planning for fire protection in buildings.
  6. Apply the requirements for safety and protection at the qualitative division of the activities in the city.
  7. Apply safety requirements in selecting the site, construction elements and all materials used in construction.
  8. Select appropriate materials to raise the building’s ability to resist fire.
  9. Implement engineering methods to protect buildings from lightning.
  10. Apply safety requirements in the means of evacuation and emergency exits.
  11. Implement engineering methods and safety requirements in electrical wiring and equipment used inside buildings.
  12. Apply the general safety requirements in the elevators and their accessories.
  13. Specify the ventilation methods in buildings.
  14. Apply safety requirements in some of the buildings that have special circumstances, such as hospitals, hotels and nursing homes.

The main axes of the program:

  • The risks that threaten buildings (causes – results).
  • The system of protecting buildings from fire.
  • Safety requirements in buildings.
  • Planning for fire protection in buildings.
  • The means of evacuation and emergency exits.
  • Safety requirements in electrical wiring and elevators.
  • Ventilation in buildings.
  • Special requirements.

Terms of joining the program:

  1. Educational level: General secondary Certificate (scientific section) and its equivalent.
  2. Basic Requirements: Access to one of the qualifying courses in safety and loss prevention.
  3. General Requirements: physically fit and healthy.

* Duration of the program: two week (10 days) – 60 training session (50% theoretical 50% practical).

* Training language: – Arabic in addition to English slang terms.
* Place of training: – Arab Fire, Safety and Security Academy in Jeddah.

* Accreditation: –

– Each trainee passes the course, gets a certificate from the Arab Fire, Safety and   Security Academy locally approved by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation.

– Accreditation validity of two years.

Program duration : 10 days .

Program type : developmental .

Security guarding

Arab Fire, Safety & Security Academy introduces Security guarding that is a developmental program .

Who should take this program ?

Security supervisors and heads of security patrols . Also those who responsible for security surveillance, researching prevention methods and safety of industrial sites .

The program objectives:

Recognizing the importance of security and safety observer in securing industrial facilities.

Monitoring and operating security devices and security control devices.

Supervising work permits and instruct the personnel to wear personal protective equipment.

Protecting physical evidence, crime scene and prevent evidence obliteration.

Identifying risks that are existed in work environment.

Program  type : developmental.

Program duration :12 days.